Influence of Boards of Management’s Partnership with Non-Governmental Organizations on the Provision of Quality Education in Kajiado West Sub-County


  • Jaji Christine Lasoi University of Nairobi
  • Ursulla Okoth University of Nairobi
  • Nelson Mari University of Nairobi


The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of boards of management’s partnership with non-governmental organizations on the provision of quality education in Kajiado West Sub-County. The study employed a descriptive survey design since the data to be collected required a quantitative and qualitative approach. The study targeted 42 public secondary schools in Kajiado County. Sixteen schools (16) were randomly selected from a pool of 42 schools in Kajiado County. Census technique was used to select 16 principals from selected schools. Further, simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 108 BoM from a total of 272 Board of Management members. Result findings showed that partnering with Non-governmental Organizations influences provision of quality education. Based on research finding was also concluded that BoM partnership with Non-governmental Organizations influences provision of quality education.

Keywords: Boards of Management, Non-Governmental Organizations, quality education

Author Biographies

Jaji Christine Lasoi, University of Nairobi

Postgraduate Student

Ursulla Okoth, University of Nairobi

Senior Lecturer

Department of Educational Administration and Planning

Nelson Mari, University of Nairobi


Department of Educational Administrational and Planning


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How to Cite

Lasoi, J. C., Okoth, U., & Mari, N. (2017). Influence of Boards of Management’s Partnership with Non-Governmental Organizations on the Provision of Quality Education in Kajiado West Sub-County. Journal of Education, 1(1), 21–28. Retrieved from


