Publication of a High-Quality Journal Article
Many scholars have various motivations for why they want to publish a journal article in their areas or field of specialization and practice.. They may do it because it is critical in their career and could heighten their likelihood of climbing up the ranks. Furthermore, they may have a significant contribution that they would like to make in your field….
Publishing a Research Paper
Publishing a research paper is a vital milestone in any academic career because it enables scholars to reach a wider audience. Further, it plays a crucial role in career advancement, allowing you to gain reputable recognition for your expertise. Also, publishing your research in reputed journals can gain you credibility and trust as it will attract public trust in your…
Publishing Your Research paper: Critical Guidelines
Publishing your research paper needs not be a directionless process. There are numerous resources that have talked about how to publish. Some address the general procedure for publication while others emphasize some tricks and tips you may overlook. Furthermore, some sources consider only one aspect of publication that may keep you from your desired result. Here is a collection of…
Mistakes to Avoid in Scientific Research Paper Publication
Scientific research paper publication is a is a journey that require passion and patience to accomplish successfully. A common challenge in scientific research is that too many academics send their work to journals to publish them. Unfortunately, these journals have stringent standards which they implement for all the papers they receive. Furthermore, numerous academic competitors make it easy for journals…
Publishing a Research Article in a Peer-Reviewed Journal: A Comprehensive Checklist for Authors
Researcher pay particular attention towards publishing a research paper article as a way of contributing knowledge to the scientific community. Despite this unending passion, submitting a journal article and getting accepted can be complex and demanding endeavor. It is critical for authors to comply with specific guidelines and meet the requirements set by publishers to increase the chances of being…
Publishing a Journal Article: Crucial Aspects
Publishing a journal article is sometimes a daunting process for postgraduate students, scholars, and other academicians. However, if you are familiar with the publisher’s checklist then this should be less difficult. Furthermore, because you have limited time and resources, it is essential to concentrate on work that journals are likely to accept. You may also be working with a team,…
Research Paper Publication in the Information Era
Research paper publication is an inescapable undertaking by scholars and academicians passionate about their career advancement. The phrase ‘publish’ or ‘perish’ underscores the centrality of publishing scientific research papers in the current era of increased quest for information. There has been a rise in papers submitted to publishers over the years, yet most authors care little about the research paper…
How to Critique a Journal Article
Most scholars and practitioners are passionate about learning how to critique a journal article. Journal article critique is a formal evaluation of a journal article or any type of literary or scientific content. As a careful, complete examination of a study, journal article critique judges the strengths, weaknesses, logical links, meanings and significance of the content presented in an article….
Journal Article Publishing: Typology of Mixed Methods Types of Legitimation
Just before you are ready for journal article publishing, you need to interpret your data legitimation. Data legitimation is a critical component of any publishing endeavour. Fundamentally, data legitimation refers to the limit with which your data comes with. No piece of information does not have any limitations. The nature of conversation of legitimation and translation are two of the…
Journal Article Publication in Contemporary Scholarly
The work of journal article publication is as old as the history of writing itself. Academic publishing started in Europe during on Monday, 5 January 1665. Two months later saw the first appearance of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, which could become a crucial tool for academic publishing in the years that followed. Denis de Sallo is credited…
How to Write a Journal Article
New authors usually start with a worry of how to write a journal article. Writing a journal article is a simple process just like any form of writing. However, an article for publication in scholarly journals requires an additional rigor. The work to be published is meant to inform future research and even policy formulation. To publish a journal article…
Journal Article Publishing: Sources of Data and the associated Data Analysis Procedures
Once a researcher can identify what they would love to focus on when publishing a journal, they may seek to source for data. Before you can partake in journal article publishing, then you need to know the various data sources and how to use them well. It is also highly advisable that you group multiple data sources to the associated…
Journal Article Publishing: All You Need To Know About e-Journals
Journals article publishing has been in existence since the 1980s and hence have gone through several transformations. Among those transformations, we have the integration of technology into the whole journal publishing environment. It is useful to get to know the genesis of everything that we are using up to date. Let us take a look at a brief historical background…
Journal Article Publishing: What you need to know about journals
Journal articles are very informative pieces of information that may help you in your research. This is because journal article publishing is based on extensive research. One exciting thing you need to know about them is the fact that there is so much research that goes into their writing and later publications. There are academic and non-academic journals, and they…
Journal Article Publishing: Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Even before you can figure out whether or not to publish your journal article, you need to have some plan of collecting data. Information is an essential structure of your project of journal article publishing. In this case, you need to have some sources of where you will get this information. In-depth research is necessary even if you have to…
Journal Article Publication – Commonly Asked Questions
For most of the scholarly journals, there are several questions which many scholars and early career students have concerning journal article publication. Many great editors and authors as well have tried answering these questions to try and help out those who are in the process of curating journals. How important is an abstract, and how should it be formatted? An…
Journal for article publication: Choosing a suitable journal
You need to be aware of the exact topic that you are willing to write about so that when it comes to your journal article publication, you know the right journal for you. There are some tips that you may want to follow up so that you may be able to come up with the best journal. First of all,…
Publishing a Journal Article-Critical Steps
There are critical steps to publishing a journal article that you need to learn. You may be wondering what a journal article is. Just like a magazine, a journal is a composition of various articles that get published frequently throughout the year. In most cases, these are written by pros for their fellow experts as well in what is called…
The Research Process
Research methods outline the whole process that a researcher undertakes in collecting, analyzing, presenting and interpreting findings about a phenomena. Scientific methodology guides the researcher when carrying out research. The systematic approach provides a logical sequence for a researcher to follow when seeking to obtain objective data that can form the basis for authentic conclusions. Research methods in scientific research…
Publishing a research article
Publishing a research article is a core milestone of your professional journey. Researchers make huge strides to advance crucial knowledge. Research article publication has remained a talk of discussion in the contemporary world of academics. Journal article publishing results from scientific research processes, which have saved many lives and improved the way in which people live. However, it is only…