Transportation and growth of Tourism Industry in Singapore


  • Baey Neng Abdullah National University of Singapore
  • Chan Sing Han National University of Singapore
  • Abdul Samad SongBo National University of Singapore



Tourism has developed into a significant sector with significant direct, indirect and induced economic benefits. The study sought to investigate the impact of transportation on tourism industry in Singapore. Singapore is a thriving hub for tourism and it is known for its excellent food, shopping, and cultural events. Development of the tourist industry is directly related to transportation. Transportation infrastructure is the most important of the three components of the transportation system for the growth of tourism. Singapore continues to innovate and expand its tourism offerings to attract visitors from around the world.  Singapore has a well-developed transportation infrastructure, which makes it easy for visitors to access various attractions and destinations. The efficient transportation system in Singapore, including an extensive network of trains, buses, and taxis, has played a crucial role in supporting the growth of the tourism industry. The accessibility and convenience provided by the transportation infrastructure have made it easier for tourists to explore the city-state's attractions, contributing to the overall growth and success of the tourism sector in Singapore. The research used the descriptive research design. The target population was 98 tourism sites in Singapore. The research did sampling of 60 participants that were chosen from the target population of 98 tourism sites in Singapore. Questionnaires were utilized to gather the data. In conclusion, transportation is a critical component of the tourism industry, and investments in transportation infrastructure and services can have a significant impact on the success of destinations in attracting and retaining visitors. Efficient and reliable transportation systems can make travel more convenient, affordable, and enjoyable, which can increase the number of tourists visiting a particular destination. The study recommended that governments and private sector stakeholders should invest in transportation infrastructure, such as airports, seaports, railways, and highways, to improve accessibility to tourist destinations and increase the number of visitors. The tourism industry should work collaboratively with transportation providers to develop travel packages that include transportation and accommodation, which will increase the convenience and affordability of travel for tourists.

Keywords: Transportation, Tourism Industry, Growth, Singapore

Author Biographies

Baey Neng Abdullah, National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore

Chan Sing Han , National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore

Abdul Samad SongBo, National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore


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How to Cite

Abdullah, B. N., Han , C. S., & SongBo, A. S. (2023). Transportation and growth of Tourism Industry in Singapore. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 6(4), 1–11.


