Influence of Ambient Conditions on Customer Satisfaction in Selected Universities, Nairobi Kenya


  • Emmariline Manyama Maghanga Moi University
  • Dr. Rita Nthiga Moi University
  • Dr. Rose Burugu Moi University



Ambient conditions are employed by customer to assess the state of a food service center for convenience. This study sought to determine the influence of the ambient conditions on customer satisfaction in selected universities, Nairobi Kenya. The study adopted a mixed method research design but specifically adopted descriptive and explanatory research designs. The target populations were the universities in Nairobi County. However, the study purposively targets four universities: 2 public and 2 private universities. Purposive sampling is appropriate when the study population is always very busy and since may not be available at the time of the study. The questionnaires were distributed during meal hours; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Four questionnaires during every meal hour were administered systematically to students who were willing to fill it across the four universities with help of two research assistants. One questionnaire was distributed to a customer, skip 3 customers and issue another questionnaire until the four questionnaires were filled. Quantitative analysis comprised both descriptive and inferential statistics. Particular descriptive statistics included means and standard deviation. Inferential statistics comprised of multiple regression. A total of 305 questionnaires were distributed to consumers at the university food service facilities whereas 278 were returned. This represented 91.1% response rate. The regression analysis established that ambient conditions explained 61.7% (R2=.617) of the variance in customer satisfaction. In addition, regression results revealed that ambient conditions (β=.494, p=0.000) have a positive and significant relationship with customer satisfaction. The regression results were significant because the p values were less than 0.05. The interviews revealed that management continuously improve ambient conditions in order to remain pleasant and more so meet ever changing customer needs. The study recommends that the food service facilities at the university in regard to continuous improvement of ambient conditions features like setting up proper lighting, undertaking periodic color painting of the food service facility and rebuilding food facility floors and ceilings with aim of promoting aesthetic value.

Keywords: Ambient Conditions, Customer Satisfaction & Universities

Author Biographies

Emmariline Manyama Maghanga, Moi University

Postgraduate Student, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

Dr. Rita Nthiga , Moi University

Senior Lecturer, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

Dr. Rose Burugu, Moi University

Lecturer, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya


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How to Cite

Maghanga, E. M., Nthiga, R., & Burugu, R. (2023). Influence of Ambient Conditions on Customer Satisfaction in Selected Universities, Nairobi Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 6(4), 55–67.


