Inclusive Practices in Malaysian Eco-Tourism: A Comprehensive Roadmap for the Future of Sustainable and Diverse Tourism


  • Ahmed M. Kumar Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • Lee S. Rashid Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • Tan Ibrahim Faizal Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)



This study, aimed to investigate the extent to which eco-tourism ventures in Malaysia incorporate inclusive and sustainable practices. The problem identified was a lack of comprehensive strategies that encompass environmental protection, social inclusion, and economic benefits. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach that involved surveying 500 tourists and interviewing 20 eco-tourism operators, we examined the existing practices and perspectives on inclusivity and sustainability. Findings revealed that only 30% of eco-tourism ventures implemented concrete inclusive policies, such as providing facilities for individuals with disabilities or incorporating local communities in decision-making. Furthermore, while 70% of operators reported some sustainable practices like waste management and limited deforestation, these measures were often ad hoc and lacked a holistic approach. As for tourists, 80% expressed that inclusive practices significantly influenced their choice of eco-tourism activities, yet 65% were unaware of the actual inclusive policies of the ventures they patronized. The study concluded that although some initiatives are in place, a structured framework is necessary for a truly inclusive and sustainable eco-tourism industry in Malaysia. Recommendations include the development of national guidelines for inclusivity, more rigorous audits of existing eco-tourism operators, and public awareness campaigns aimed at both tourists and operators. Governmental support in the form of tax incentives and grants for ventures that adopt inclusive and sustainable practices can also catalyze the change needed. This research thus serves as a roadmap for stakeholders, suggesting a multi-pronged approach to making Malaysian eco-tourism a beacon for inclusivity and sustainability.

Keywords: Inclusive Practices, Malaysian Eco-Tourism, Sustainability, Policy Framework, Stakeholder Involvement

Author Biographies

Ahmed M. Kumar, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

The Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management

Lee S. Rashid , Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

The Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management

Tan Ibrahim Faizal, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

The Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management


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How to Cite

Kumar, A. M., Rashid , L. S., & Faizal, T. I. (2023). Inclusive Practices in Malaysian Eco-Tourism: A Comprehensive Roadmap for the Future of Sustainable and Diverse Tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 6(4), 78–87.


