Community Participation and Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism Development in Rimoi National Reserve, Kenya


  • Susan Boit Moi University
  • Ruth Tubey Moi University
  • Judy Kibe Moi University



Tourism development has become a focal point for many towns across the world, providing both cultural and economic interchange. However, the attitudes and involvement of locals play a major role in the success and longevity of such efforts. There has been little research on how community involvement affects locals' perceptions of tourist destination areas, particularly in the early phases of development, despite the crucial role that community participation plays in the development of sustainable tourism. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between locals' opinions regarding the growth of tourism in Kenya's Rimoi National Reserve and community participation. A convergent design and a mixed-methods approach were used in the investigation. Data was gathered from 10 resident teenagers who were purposefully chosen and 231 family heads who were chosen using a systematic sampling technique. While focus groups were used to produce qualitative data, questionnaires were employed to gather quantitative data. The results demonstrated a strong positive correlation between locals' sentiments toward tourism development and community participation (R=.666). Furthermore, the model indicated that approximately 44.4% of the variation in community participation could be directly accounted for by variations in the in residents' attitudes toward support for tourism development within the Rimoi National Reserve (R2=0.444). The study concludes that locals' perceptions of tourist development are significantly improved by community participation. Thus, active engagement of the community residents not only fosters positive attitudes but also holds the promise of yielding more sustainable and inclusive outcomes in tourism development initiatives within the community. The study recommends actively involving Rimoi National Reserve gateway community residents in tourism development discussions and decisions, raising awareness about the benefits of community participation, implementing capacity-building initiatives, and maintaining transparent communication channels.

Keywords: Tourism development, Community participation, Residents' attitudes, Sustainable tourism, and Rimoi National Reserve

Author Biographies

Susan Boit, Moi University

PhD Candidate, Department of Tourism Management, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management

Ruth Tubey, Moi University

Associate Professor, Department of Tourism Management, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management

Judy Kibe, Moi University

Lecturer, Department of Tourism Management, School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management


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How to Cite

Boit, S., Tubey, R., & Kibe, J. (2024). Community Participation and Residents’ Attitudes towards Tourism Development in Rimoi National Reserve, Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 7(2), 1–19.


