Effects of Stress on Physical and Psychological Health of Women in Delhi, India


  • Parth Yash Badri University of Delhi
  • Ayaan Sri Refaeli University of Delhi
  • Ishaan Shah Aljakoub University of Delhi




Stress is a situation or emotion experienced when somebody is under pressure or threatened. It is a situational feeling when one thinks one has lost control of events. Stress is a form of psychological discomfort. The study sought to examine the effects of stress on the physical and psychological health of women in Delhi, India. The study adopted a descriptive statistic. The study targeted women from Delhi, India. The study used purposive sampling to get a sample size of 180. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The research found that stress is negatively and significantly related to physical and psychological. The results showed that when stress increases by one unit, the physical and psychological health among the women in Delhi, India, will reduce by 0.756 units while other factors that influence the physical and psychological health are held unchanged. It is recommended that families and societies should be educated regarding the effects of stress that can cause mental health problems. There is a need to create good relations between families and mental health specialists to accomplish better treatment results and reduce remissions. The government should increase its expenditure for psychological health services, increase the number of mental health experts, promoting social incorporation and accessibility to healthcare. People need to sensitize themselves to eliminate the social stigma related to particular scenarios, including the use of unfavorable coping methods like avoidance, denial and concealment, causing an alteration in family health. There is a need for mental healthcare services for all people and encourage official employment with benefits and health insurance to boost the chances of using healthcare services. People should always seek psychological support if they feel like having stress.

Keywords: Stress, Physical and Psychological Health, Women, Delhi, India

Author Biographies

Parth Yash Badri, University of Delhi

Postgraduate Student, University of Delhi

Ayaan Sri Refaeli , University of Delhi

Lecturer, University of Delhi

Ishaan Shah Aljakoub, University of Delhi

Lecturer, University of Delhi


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How to Cite

Badri, P. Y. ., A. S. . Refaeli, and I. S. . Aljakoub. “Effects of Stress on Physical and Psychological Health of Women in Delhi, India”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, Oct. 2022, pp. 11-21, doi:10.53819/81018102t50121.


