Factors Contributing to Extreme Polarization in Society: A case Study of Florida State, USA


  • Bill Hammond Lelkes University of Florida
  • Stephen Tebow Axelrod University of Florida
  • Darell Ross Lindberg University of Florida




Florida's society is deeply entrenched in extreme polarization, with sharp divides along political, social, and cultural lines. This polarization is reflected in heated debates over issues such as gun control, immigration, and climate change, leading to a lack of constructive dialogue and an erosion of empathy and understanding. The intense polarization has created a fragmented society, hindering progress and unity, and highlighting the urgent need for bridge-building and fostering a sense of common purpose. Studies have shown that during election cycles, voters become more polarized and adopt more extreme positions as political campaigns focus on divisive issues and employ aggressive tactics. The high-stakes nature of Florida's political environment further deepens polarization among voters. Studies have found that individuals residing in urban and rural regions often hold contrasting views on issues such as gun control, immigration, and environmental policies, contributing to the polarization of society. The study concluded that addressing extreme polarization in Florida's society requires a multi-faceted approach. These can be achieved by encouraging open and respectful dialogue, promoting media literacy, and fostering platforms for diverse perspectives which will help in counteracting the echo-chamber effect and promote understanding. Bridging the urban-rural divide through initiatives that address common challenges and promote mutual cooperation can also foster unity and reduce polarization. Promoting civic engagement, supporting inclusive policies, and addressing socioeconomic disparities can help alleviate the divisions contributing to extreme polarization. The study recommended that by encouraging spaces for civil discourse and promoting platforms that facilitate conversations between individuals with different viewpoints can help bridge ideological gaps. Encouraging individuals to participate in community activities, volunteer work, and political processes can help create a sense of shared responsibility and common purpose.

Keywords: Extreme Polarization, Factors, Society, USA

Author Biographies

Bill Hammond Lelkes, University of Florida

University of Florida

Stephen Tebow Axelrod , University of Florida

University of Florida

Darell Ross Lindberg, University of Florida

University of Florida


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How to Cite

Lelkes, B. H., S. T. Axelrod, and D. R. Lindberg. “Factors Contributing to Extreme Polarization in Society: A Case Study of Florida State, USA”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, Nov. 2023, pp. 1-10, doi:10.53819/81018102t5273.


