Strategies South Sudanese Community Church in Kibera are Employing to Evangelize South Sudanese Nubian Muslims in the Jamhuri area


  • Amoko Fodomula Laku Africa International University
  • Josephine Mutuku Africa International University
  • Kim Lee Africa International University
  • Lawrence Oseje Africa International University
  • Judy M. Africa International University



There has been an increase in the spread of Islam globally over the years. On one end, the church missions have put considerable efforts and strategies to evangelize Muslims for leading them to Christ. However, these efforts have faced numerous challenges. It is with this background that the study investigated factors hindering Muslim evangelism by the South Sudanese Community Church (SSCC) in the Jamhuri area of Nairobi. It was established that there is a correlation between the challenges that the South Sudanese Community faces in Kenya with the decline in reaching out to Muslims with the Gospel. This paper examined the strategies used by churches in Kibera to reach out to the Muslims in Jamhuri area. The design chosen was descriptive, which enabled the researcher to do in-depth interviews. The target population was 100 participants, from which a sample of 40 was drawn. Those who participated in study thirty (30). The study’s approach to data was qualitative. The findings revealed that South Sudanese Community Church members in Jamhuri have an assumption that they are not sufficiently prepared to evangelize Muslims. Besides, there was an evident relationship between this lack of preparation Missiologicaly and evangelism ministry. The study concluded that SSCC is yet to gain a strong foundation for the Christian- Muslim relationship. Therefore, the researcher recommended that SSCC members be trained and equipped in mission, particularly in Muslim evangelism. The researcher also recommended that a similar study should be carried out in other South Sudanese and Sudanese Community Churches (SSCC) within and without Nairobi County. Finally, there is a need to strengthen the South Sudanese and Sudanese Community Churches (SSCC) leadership.

Keywords: Strategies, South Sudanese, Community Church, Kibera, Evangelize

Author Biographies

Amoko Fodomula Laku, Africa International University

Department of Mission Studies, Africa International University

Josephine Mutuku, Africa International University

Department of Mission Studies, Africa International University

Kim Lee, Africa International University

Department of Mission Studies, Africa International University

Lawrence Oseje , Africa International University

Department of Mission Studies, Africa International University

Judy M., Africa International University

Department of Mission Studies, Africa International University


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How to Cite

Amoko, F. L., J. Mutuku, K. Lee, L. Oseje, and J. M. “Strategies South Sudanese Community Church in Kibera Are Employing to Evangelize South Sudanese Nubian Muslims in the Jamhuri Area”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, Nov. 2023, pp. 54-66, doi:10.53819/81018102t30124.


