Ethics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemma in Grief Counseling


  • Dr. Reckonel Simpson



The complicated field of healthcare as it relates to grief counseling presents a number of moral conundrums. Practitioners must make difficult decisions on a daily basis that can have a significant impact on their work, patients, and clients. Moral precepts that direct a person's behavior or how they conduct themselves in their particular profession are the essence of ethics. Healthcare professionals, including clinicians, are frequently guided by a multitude of varying rules, principles, and opinions. This particular book chapter addresses the significance of ethics in grief counseling with regard to decision-making. It defines professional codes of ethics in detail and stresses their significance for the delivery of moral counseling. It also examines boundary crossings and boundary violations, the necessity of a moral process in decision-making, counselors' and clinicians' practice guidelines, which source of ethics is most significant, transference and countertransference as well as dual/multiple roles. It is noteworthy to note that healthcare professionals have a fiduciary duty to uphold the ethics and standards of their professional associations and regulatory bodies. As a result, managing an ethical conundrum is constant.

Keywords: Ethics, Boundary Crossings, Boundary Violation, Transference and Countertransference


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How to Cite

Simpson, R. “Ethics: Tackling the Ethical Dilemma in Grief Counseling”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, Mar. 2024, pp. 1-12, doi:10.53819/81018102t2364.


