The Impact of Autism on Parents' Lived Experiences


  • Valerie Chepngetich



The study sought to understand and describe the lived experiences of parents raising children with autism, comparing the experiences of mothers and fathers. The study employed a phenomenological qualitative research design, conducted at Cebu Kid's Center for Autism Foundation, Mandaue City. Using snowball sampling, nine parents of children aged 3-12 participated in semi-structured interviews. The study found that parents often face significant stress and challenges, including financial strain, lifestyle changes, and lack of support from healthcare providers. Additionally, parents primarily sought information online rather than from doctors, highlighting a gap in the patient-provider relationship. The study also revealed shortcomings in public special education schools, such as inadequate facilities and an unfavorable student-teacher ratio. The study concludes that comprehensive support systems are essential for parents of children with autism, including better healthcare communication, improved educational resources, and family-centered mental health interventions. The study recommends that healthcare providers create therapeutic relationships with parents, governments improve working conditions for special education teachers, and mental institutions offer family-focused interventions. Increasing public awareness about autism and providing continuous support for parents are also crucial steps to enhance the overall well-being of families affected by autism.

Keywords: Autism, Lived Experiences, Phenomenological Research, Parental Stress, Support Systems


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How to Cite

Chepngetich, V. “The Impact of Autism on Parents’ Lived Experiences”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 38-57, doi:10.53819/81018102t7012.


