The Influence of Njuri Ncheke Indigenous Traditional System in Social Cultural Economic and Political Leadership of Meru Community
The purpose of the study is to establish the influence of Njuri Ncheke in Social, cultural, economic and political leadership of Meru community. Many African communities have over the years acquired a wealth of knowledge through interacting with traditional system within the environment people live. This knowledge is referred to as indigenous knowledge. The knowledge acquired through traditional system has been used by generations in various ways, such as promotion of peace, conflict resolution, agriculture, environmental conservation, weather forecasting, food preparation, and governance of a community, among others. Existing literature, which is sketchy and fragmentary fail to establish the evolution and complexity of Meru political organization and governance of Meru community. Thus, the impact of internal and external forces on the social cultural, economic and political organization of the Meru has not been established. In effect then, many gaps both in terms of available and hitherto unexplored data and their analysis exists making the study of the political organization of the Meru apriority research topic. The following are questions guiding the study: What is the sociopolitical traditional system organization of Meru people? What is the leadership structure of the Ameru people in governing Meru community? How does the Njuri Ncheke traditional government of the Meru people operate? What is the governance role of Njuri Ncheke as Non state social institution with internal structure and decision making in regulating activities of Meru community? How effective is Njuri Ncheke in addressing issues of important as social institution in Meru community? What is the influence of Njuri Ncheke in African traditional religion and culture in Meru Community? This study used both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected by the use of questionnaires from the Ameru Elders (Njuri Ncheke). Data was collected using guided interviews and semi structured questions. The interest of the researcher was guided by the need to collect in-depth data essential to qualitative research. The data was collected through a focus group discussion, documents and audio visual materials. The study found out that the success of devolution in Meru and Thraraka Counties depends on how the County governments harnesses the strengths and opportunities of the Njuri Ncheke to run the affairs of the people. The fact such an old institution like Njuri Ncheke continues to exercise considerable influence nowadays is clear proof that indigenous knowledge systems can synergize with the modern ones to address the challenges that arise from the devolved system of governance.
Keywords: Njuri Ncheke, indigenous traditional system, social cultural economic political leadership, Meru community.
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