Causes of Marital Conflicts among Young Married Christian Couples in Free Pentecostal Church-Embakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Evanson Njeru Africa International University
  • Niceta Wanja Ireri Africa International University
  • Jared Bravin Menecha Africa International University


The high separation and divorce rates in young married Christian couples raise concerns concerning their physical and psychological parameters. This led to this study to find out the causes of marital conflicts and anxiety and depression among young married couples in Free Pentecostal Church Embakasi in Nairobi Kenya. The study was anchored on Bowen’s family system theory.  The objective that guided the study was: To find out the causes of marital conflicts among young married Christian couples. The study's target population was 600, focusing on young married Christian couples below 45 years. Therefore, the study drew a sample from the target population using Nassiuma’s formulae to obtain a sample size of 86.  The data was collected using questionnaires distributed by the researcher to the different respondents and collected after completion. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. The data was presented using charts and tables. This study recommended that the young couples should seek psychosocial support. The study results are of significant impact to Christian counselling psychologists as they deal with marital issues.

Keywords: Marital conflicts, young couples, Psychosocial Factors

Author Biographies

Evanson Njeru, Africa International University

Department of Psychology, Africa International University

Niceta Wanja Ireri, Africa International University

Department of Psychology, Africa International University

Jared Bravin Menecha, Africa International University

Department of Psychology, Africa International University


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How to Cite

Njeru, E., N. W. Ireri, and J. B. Menecha. “Causes of Marital Conflicts Among Young Married Christian Couples in Free Pentecostal Church-Embakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, Sept. 2021, pp. 70-80,


