Exploring the Ripple Effect and Consequences of Correspondent Banking De-Risking on Global Financial Inclusion and Stability: Evidence from Europe


  • James Swift Banville Dublin City University, Northside of Dublin, Ireland
  • Oscar R. Heaney Dublin City University, Northside of Dublin, Ireland
  • Iris K. Millington




This study explored the ripple effect and consequences of correspondent banking de-risking on global financial inclusion and stability, with a specific focus on evidence from Europe. Driven primarily by increased compliance requirements and the need to mitigate risks associated with anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism regulations, de-risking led to the termination of correspondent banking relationships with various countries and financial institutions. The research aimed to understand the implications of this phenomenon on financial integration, access to essential financial services, and the exacerbation of economic disparities among different regions and demographic groups in Europe. A descriptive research design approach was employed, mainly quantitative analysis of CBR data and regulatory changes. The findings demonstrated that de-risking had a significant negative impact on financial inclusion and stability, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organizations, and marginalized communities. Moreover, the termination of CBRs disrupted the flow of remittances, trade finance, and development aid, and led to an increased reliance on less-regulated, informal channels, which in turn undermined the global AML/CFT regime and exacerbated financial crime and systemic risks. Based on these findings, the study recommended enhancing collaboration and coordination among regulatory authorities, financial institutions, and affected stakeholders to develop a harmonized regulatory framework across European countries, implement a risk-based approach, and establish a centralized information-sharing platform. Additionally, targeted capacity-building efforts, exploration of innovative financial solutions, and the development of financial inclusion strategies prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable segments of the population were recommended to counteract the negative effects of de-risking and promote financial inclusion and stability in Europe.

Keywords: Correspondent banking de-risking, financial inclusion, global financial stability, anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism


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How to Cite

Banville, J. S. ., Heaney , O. R. ., & Millington, I. K. . (2023). Exploring the Ripple Effect and Consequences of Correspondent Banking De-Risking on Global Financial Inclusion and Stability: Evidence from Europe. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4131


