Investigating the Impact of Global Policy and Political Shifts on Vietnamese Businesses


  • Khai, Ha Vu Dong Nai Technology University



This paper examines how Vietnamese enterprises in various industries, including oil and gas, transportation, and food, were impacted by the tensions between Russia and Ukraine during the first half of 2022. By utilizing statistical comparison methods, the study found that there were fluctuations in revenue, profit, and other indicators that measure business activity. Specifically, in the oil and gas industry, companies such as Vietnam Gas Corporation, Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company, and Ca Mau Petroleum Fertilizer Company saw higher revenue and financial ratios compared to the industry average, while other businesses experienced a decrease from the previous quarter. Transport companies benefited from increased import and export, as well as high freight rates and global price hikes for goods and materials. The food industry in Vietnam saw the Russia-Ukraine conflict as a significant opportunity for growth, but businesses still encountered challenges in capitalizing on this potential. As Vietnam's economy is deeply intertwined with the global economy, fluctuations and high inflation in the world economy can have an impact on the country's economy and businesses.

Keywords: Market Volatility, Political Tension, Vietnamese Enterprises, Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

Author Biography

Khai, Ha Vu, Dong Nai Technology University

Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai 76000 Vietnam


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How to Cite

Ha Vu, K. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Global Policy and Political Shifts on Vietnamese Businesses. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(3), 1–8.


