Credit Management Practices and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case of Access Bank Plc


  • Isaac Mariyamungu Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Osiemo A. Kengere Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



This paper examined the effect of credit management practices on financial performance of commercial banks in Rwanda with reference of Access Bank Plc. The specific objectives are to assess the effect of credit rating on performance of Access Bank Plc, to determine the effect of credit monitoring on performance of Access Bank Plc and to examine the effect of credit recovery on performance of Access Bank Plc. The researcher used liquidity theory of credit and the information theory of credit. The study used descriptive and correlational research design. The target population was 164 employees of Access Bank Plc. The study collected data from a sample size of 116 employees of Access Bank Plc at Head office in Kigali City. It used questionnaire and financial statements of Access Bank Plc to collect data and descriptive statistics and multiple regression model to analyse data. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and standard deviation was used. The multiple regression analysis was use to assess the effects of multiple predictor variables on the dependent measure. Results from the first objective show that that access bank assessment of the capacity to pay loan was strongly agreed by 44.7% was used as a credit rating component at Access Bank Plc. Access Bank has used credit reference report as strongly agreed by 30.1% .Results from the second objective indicated that credit term was adopted as strongly agreed by 54.4%, credit standards as strongly agreed by 36.9 %, 40.8%, credit limits, 30.1% strongly agreed. Results to the third objective show models of loan repayment platform demonstrated that 53.4% of respondents strongly agreed with the statements. Therefore, 44.7 strongly agreed that the Access bank is continually assessment as 33.0%. Results 54.9% strongly agreed with legal enforcements. The study recommended that researcher’s asses this factors impact on credit management practices, its execution and financial performance.

Keywords: Credit management, Credit Policies, Credit monitoring, debt recovery, financial performance  

Author Biographies

Isaac Mariyamungu , Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Osiemo A. Kengere, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mariyamungu, I., & Kengere, O. A. (2023). Credit Management Practices and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case of Access Bank Plc . Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(3), 119–138.


