Impact of Mobile Banking Platforms Paytm and Google Pay on Financial Inclusion in Rural and Semi-Urban Areas in India


  • Amanpreet S. Patel Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
  • Venkatraman K. Rao Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
  • Manjul K. Radhakrishnan Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur



This study aimed to investigate the impact of mobile banking platforms, specifically Paytm and Google Pay, on financial inclusion in rural and semi-urban areas in India. The study was motivated by the fact that there had been limited access to formal financial services in these regions, resulting in financial exclusion and diminished economic development. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study combined surveys of 1,200 households, focus group discussions, and interviews with local financial institutions. Findings revealed significant improvement in financial inclusion. Approximately 72% of surveyed households indicated increased ease in carrying out financial transactions, including savings, remittances, and bill payments, using Paytm and Google Pay. Furthermore, local businesses reported a 35% increase in revenue, attributing it to simplified payment processes. Additionally, a 40% decrease in cash-based transactions was observed, which has implications for reducing fraud and increasing transparency. However, the study also identified challenges such as lack of internet connectivity and digital literacy, which acted as barriers to adoption for 28% of surveyed households. The study concluded that mobile banking platforms like Paytm and Google Pay have had a profound and largely positive impact on financial inclusion in rural and semi-urban areas in India. Despite existing barriers, the adoption of these platforms has facilitated easier and more secure financial transactions, contributing to increased economic activities in these areas. Recommendations include launching government-backed digital literacy programs and public-private partnerships for expanding internet infrastructure. Future studies should also consider evaluating the long-term sustainability of these platforms in fostering financial inclusion and exploring the possibility of integrating additional services like insurance and loans.

Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Mobile Banking, Rural and Semi-Urban Areas, Paytm, Google Pay


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How to Cite

Patel, A. S., Rao , V. K., & Radhakrishnan, M. K. (2023). Impact of Mobile Banking Platforms Paytm and Google Pay on Financial Inclusion in Rural and Semi-Urban Areas in India. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(5), 113–122.


