Internal Audit Operational Efficiency and Performance of Public Institutions in Rwanda: The Case of Ngoma District


  • Ndungutse Innocent Mount Kigali University, Rwanda
  • Osiemo K. Athanas, PhD Mount Kigali University, Rwanda



This study aimed to investigate the impact of internal audit operational efficiency on the performance of public institutions in Rwanda, using a case study of Ngoma District. The study aimed to identify the main internal control activities, assess the role of internal audit operations in identifying and assessing risks, establish the effects of internal audit operations on ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies, analyze the contributions of internal audit operations in detecting and deterring fraudulent activities, and find out the impact of an effective audit system on operational efficiency. The target population consisted of 120 staff working at the Ngoma District head office in Kigali, with 92 being a sample. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires and secondary data from Ngoma District reports and online resources. The statistical analysis revealed several strong and highly significant correlations between internal audit operationalization processes and the performance of public institutions. There is a substantial positive correlation between the internal audit processes of File Verification, approval, and Authorization and the institution's ability to detect and assess risks. The study also demonstrates a significant correlation between computer system control measures in the internal audit process and an institution's ability to adhere to legal requirements, regulations, and internal policies. A strong and statistically significant correlation is found between the implementation of backup and file recovery procedures and the prevention of fraudulent activities, emphasizing the importance of data integrity and security in maintaining trustworthiness. Finally, the research reveals a robust and statistically significant association between staff monitoring and the operational efficiency of public institutions, underlining the critical role of accountability and supervision in streamlining processes and resource allocation. These findings emphasize the significance of comprehensive internal audit practices and controls in enhancing the performance, governance, and effectiveness of public institutions in Ngoma district.

Keywords: Internal Audit, Operational Efficiency, Public Institutions, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Ndungutse Innocent, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics

Osiemo K. Athanas, PhD, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Ndungutse, I., & Osiemo, K. A. (2023). Internal Audit Operational Efficiency and Performance of Public Institutions in Rwanda: The Case of Ngoma District. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7(10), 51–67.


