Contribution of Electronic Banking on the Financial Performance of Banking Institutions in Rwanda; A Case Study of Bank of Kigali Plc


  • HABIMANA Lynca University of Kigali, Rwanda
  • DR. RUSIBANA Claude University of Kigali, Rwanda



This research investigated the impact of electronic banking on the financial performance of banking institutions in Rwanda, focusing on the Bank of Kigali Plc. The study aimed to achieve the following objectives: to examine the impact of mobile banking on the financial performance of the Bank of Kigali; to determine the influence of online banking on the financial performance of the Bank of Kigali; to analyze the effect of automated teller machines (ATMs) on the financial performance of the Bank of Kigali; and to assess the impact of debit card transactions on the financial performance of the Bank of Kigali. This study was designed as a case study of the Bank of Kigali Plc, employing the survey method. A case study is described as an analysis that provides a detailed examination of electronic banking's impact on the financial performance of banking institutions. Through in-depth exploration of this single case, the researcher gained insights into the subject matter. Qualitative analysis involved meticulous observation of the situation, requiring all respondents from the Bank of Kigali Plc's population to answer the research questionnaires. The research used questionnaires to collect data. The population was comprised of respondents of Bank of Kigali Plc in different departments targeting 159 respondents. The sample size was 159 respondents. The findings indicated that there is high positive correlation between electronic banking and financial performance at Bank of Kigali Plc r= 0.798*, p-value=0.000<0.05) and was found to be significant at 5% significance level suggesting the existence of high positive relationship between electronic banking and financial performance at Bank of Kigali Plc, change attitudes towards changes and technology because these inevitable are inevitable phenomena. Learn from their peers about the use of e-banking. Follow e-banking terms and conditions, especially security measures, to address cybercrimes in online financial transactions. Ask for information from their financial service providers when encountering challenges related to e-banking. The study recommends that customers of the Bank of Kigali should adapt their attitudes and behaviors towards the inevitabilities of change and technological advancements in the electronic banking system. Customers would benefit from learning about e-banking from their peers and strictly adhering to the terms and conditions related to security measures to safeguard against cybercrimes in online financial transactions. The staff should also encourage customers to use electronic banking by highlighting its cost-effectiveness and convenience, aiming to increase the adoption of e-banking services among the bank's clientele.

Keywords: Electronic banking, financial performance, banking institutions, Bank of Kigali Plc

Author Biographies

HABIMANA Lynca , University of Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Business Administration in Finance and Accounting, University of Kigali, Rwanda

DR. RUSIBANA Claude, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Lecturer, University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

HABIMANA, L., & RUSIBANA, C. (2024). Contribution of Electronic Banking on the Financial Performance of Banking Institutions in Rwanda; A Case Study of Bank of Kigali Plc. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 8(5), 20–39.




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