Analyzing the Effect of Liquidity on Financial Stability: Evidence from Kenyan Deposit-Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies


  • Hesborn Birisi Birisi
  • Job Omagwa Kenyatta University
  • Salome Musau Kenyatta University



Non-performing loans have been on the rise among DT SACCOs in Kenya over the past five years as evidenced by the increase in percentage of NPLs to gross loans in SACCO regulatory authority report of 2020. Consequently, if this trend is allowed to continue then this sector’s contribution to financial intermediation through provision of financial services will be negatively affected. In view of the above this study sought to investigate the effect of firm characteristics and financial stability of deposit taking savings and credit cooperative societies in Kenya. In view of the above this study sought to assess the effect of liquidity on financial stability of deposit taking savings and credit and cooperative societies in Kenya. The study was anchored on agency theory. Positivist research philosophy was adopted in this study. The study adopted explanatory research design. The target population for the study comprised 160 DT SACCOs which were fully operational in the period. A census approach was used for the study. This study utilized quantitative secondary data which was obtained from the society’s financial statements and supervision reports from the savings and credit cooperatives regulatory authority. The study utilized annual panel data for the period of 2017 to 2021. Multicollinearity test, normality tests, autocorrelation test, homoscedasticity, stationarity test and model specification test were carried out prior to panel data analysis. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation analysis and panel regression analysis. STATA software was used for the analysis. The findings showed that liquidity had a strong, positive effect on NPLs ratio (β = 0.410056, p=0.003<0.05). In view of the findings, the study recommends that DT SACCOs with high liquidity levels should consider implementing rigorous lending practices to ensure that loans are extended to creditworthy borrowers. Additionally, effective credit risk assessment and continuous monitoring of borrower repayment behavior are essential to minimize NPLs. DT SACCOs should focus on improving management efficiency by implementing cost-effective operational processes.

Keywords: Liquidity, Liquidity Ratio, Financial stability, Deposit-taking, Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs), Kenya.

Author Biographies

Job Omagwa, Kenyatta University

School of Business, Economics and Tourism

Salome Musau, Kenyatta University

School of Business, Economics and Tourism


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How to Cite

Birisi, H. B., Omagwa, J., & Musau, S. (2024). Analyzing the Effect of Liquidity on Financial Stability: Evidence from Kenyan Deposit-Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 8(5), 99–113.




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