Microfinance Services and Household’s Income among Saving and Internal Lending Community Groups in Evurore Ward, Embu County, Kenya


  • Caroline Wawira Njeru Kenyatta University
  • Anthony Mugetha Irungu Kenyatta University




The research established loans, savings and training services effect on the income of household’s income among saving and internal lending community groups in Evurore Ward of Embu County, Kenya. Greeman Bank model, Saving-Asset Accumulation model and Village Saving Model served as theoretical base of the study. Descriptive design was implemented following a population of 562 SILC practicing group members in Evurore Ward where proportionate sampling technique was applied to arrive at 291 respondents. Primary data was sourced employing the utilization of structured questionnaire. The outcome unveiled a significant positive effect of microfinance loans on household’s income; the effect of microfinance savings on household’s income among SILC groups was not statistically significant but positive; microfinance training had a significant positive effect on household’s income among SILC groups in Evurore Ward, Embu County, Kenya. The survey recommends that to further enhance the income-generating potential of SILC groups, it is necessary to promote increased access to microfinance loans. This can be achieved by collaborating with microfinance institutions, NGOs, and government agencies to expand the availability of microfinance loan programs tailored to the needs of SILC groups in the area.   

Keywords: Microfinance Services, Microfinance Lending, Microfinance Training, Microfinance Savings, Household Income

Author Biographies

Caroline Wawira Njeru , Kenyatta University

Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business, Economics and Tourism

Anthony Mugetha Irungu, Kenyatta University

Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business, Economics and Tourism


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How to Cite

Njeru , C. W., & Irungu, A. M. (2024). Microfinance Services and Household’s Income among Saving and Internal Lending Community Groups in Evurore Ward, Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 8(7), 15–27. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4273


