Effect of Currency Devaluation on Performance of Small and Medium Firms in Beirut, Lebanon


  • Hagop Khalaf Lavallière Lebanese American University
  • Fouad Terezian Molina Lebanese American University
  • Sayegh Mnaimneh Chaudhary Lebanese American University




Currency devaluation refers to a deliberate and official reduction in the value of a country's currency in relation to other currencies. It can occur through various mechanisms, such as adjusting interest rates, intervening in foreign exchange markets, or implementing monetary policies aimed at reducing the supply of domestic currency. Currency devaluation can create financial challenges for SMEs. Financial institutions may be more cautious in extending credit due to increased risks associated with exchange rate fluctuations. Devaluation reduces the value of collateral assets, making it harder for SMEs to secure financing.  The research used the descriptive research design. The target population was 200 small and medium firms in Beirut, Lebanon.  The study did sampling of 150 participants that were chosen from the target population of 200 small and medium firms in Beirut, Lebanon. Questionnaires were utilized to gather data. In conclusion, the devaluation of the Lebanese currency has presented numerous challenges for these businesses, impacting their competitiveness, profitability, and sustainability. It is crucial for SMEs to understand the direct and indirect impacts of currency devaluation. Increased import costs, inflationary pressures, and reduced purchasing power have placed significant strain on SMEs. By recognizing these challenges, SMEs can develop effective financial management strategies and explore hedging mechanisms to mitigate currency risk. The study recommended that Lebanese SMEs should consider developing export-oriented strategies, including identifying new export markets, conducting market research, and adapting their products and services to meet international demand. By capitalizing on export opportunities, SMEs can diversify their revenue streams and reduce their vulnerability to the domestic economic challenges caused by currency devaluation.

Keywords: Currency Devaluation, Performance, Small and Medium Firms, Lebanon

Author Biographies

Hagop Khalaf Lavallière, Lebanese American University

Postgraduate Student, Lebanese American University

Fouad Terezian Molina , Lebanese American University

Lecturer, Lebanese American University

Sayegh Mnaimneh Chaudhary, Lebanese American University

Lecturer, Lebanese American University


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2023-06-06 — Updated on 2023-06-23


How to Cite

Lavallière, H. K. ., Molina , F. T. ., & Chaudhary, S. M. . (2023). Effect of Currency Devaluation on Performance of Small and Medium Firms in Beirut, Lebanon. Journal of Economics, 7(1), 12–21. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5178 (Original work published June 6, 2023)


