Tax Education and Tax Compliance: A Review of Literature


  • Malgit Amos Akims Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya
  • Oliver Mukweyi Pyoko ICT Authority, Kenya
  • Kanang Amos Akims University of Jos, Jos Nigeria
  • Wycliffe Nyaemo Motende Kenya Revenue Authority
  • Benson Odwa Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya
  • Danagana Balarabe Toyiring Kaduna, Nigeria



The study sought to carry out a critical review of literature on tax education and tax compliance. Based on the review of empirical literature, it was found that tax education has significant effect on tax compliance. It was consequently concluded that tax education is important in predicting the level of tax compliance. The study recommends that in order to improve the tax compliance level, governments should put in place and sustain public tax awareness programs as these will highlight the importance of tax revenue which is driven by tax compliance level. Tax authorities should support tax education as this has a favorable impact on taxpayer compliance and subsequently tax revenue. In order to improve on the general tax knowledge of citizens and subsequently increase tax compliance, revenue authorities and players in the educational sector should collaborate and come up with tax awareness activities.

Keywords: Tax Education, Tax Compliance, Stakeholder Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour

Author Biographies

Malgit Amos Akims, Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya

Public Policy and Administration Department

Kanang Amos Akims, University of Jos, Jos Nigeria

Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

Benson Odwa , Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya

Accounting and Finance Department

Danagana Balarabe Toyiring, Kaduna, Nigeria

Kaduna State Internal Revenue Service


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How to Cite

Akims, M. A., Pyoko, O. M., Akims, K. A., Motende, W. N., Odwa , B., & Toyiring, D. B. (2023). Tax Education and Tax Compliance: A Review of Literature. Journal of Economics, 7(1), 51–63.


