Impact of Drug Abuse on Performance of Gymnasium Students in Germany


  • Moritz Felicitas Pyrkosch Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Leonard Ernst Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Antonia Bendau Petzold Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich



The education stakeholders in Germany acknowledge that alcohol and drug abuse among students are significant barriers to achieving academic goals. Alcohol and drug abuse are also related to an increase in other risky actions such as early sexual conduct, drunk driving, physical violence and truancy. Drug abuse in schools, particularly illicit drugs in high school, has long been a topic of concern. Thus, the study sought to examine the impact of drug abuse on the performance of college students in Germany. The study was literature-based and the inferences were based on the verdicts from the prior studies. The study results showed that drug abuse has a negative impact on performance. Drugs and alcohol are some of the most detrimental yet most common disruptions in teenage brain development. They manipulate the brain's wiring and affect how it processes and retains information, including how a teen thinks, focuses, learns, remembers, and concentrates inside and outside school. Drugs can impair teens' cognitive development and affect students' performance in school: reduce their ability to memorize things, poor concentration in the classroom and deficiency of prioritization of assignments. The study recommended that secondary school administrators develop a well-integrated learner surveillance system throughout school environments. Moreover, the government introduce life skills training in the syllabus to teach learners how to resist indulgence in drug abuse. Schools need to develop policies that promote participation in learning by creating environments that make it satisfying and interesting. In addition, the school administration should introduce and strengthen counselling and support services to students who demand social assistance.

Keywords: Drug Abuse, Performance, Students, Germany

Author Biographies

Moritz Felicitas Pyrkosch, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Postgraduate Student, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Leonard Ernst, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Lecturer, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Antonia Bendau Petzold, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Lecturer, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


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How to Cite

Pyrkosch, M. F., Ernst, L., & Petzold, A. B. (2022). Impact of Drug Abuse on Performance of Gymnasium Students in Germany. Journal of Education, 5(1), 1–10.


