Education Support Programs and University Student Social Competence: An Impact Assessment of Generation Rwanda Program From 2004-2012


  • Uhirwa Sylvia Mount Kenya University
  • Alice Kituyi Wafula (PhD) Mount Kenya University



This study sought to point out how education support programs were successful in the creation of competences in students at higher learning institutions/ university level in Rwanda. Using the Generation Rwanda Program as a case study, the study aimed to show that to achieve student competence, it requires more than paying tuition fees and sending a child to school. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish success stories from Generation Rwanda scholarship beneficiaries; to assess challenges faced by the Generation Rwanda scholarship beneficiaries; and to establish the employer satisfaction with GR graduates at work. In the study, questionnaires and oral interviews were used for data collection. The study also referred to other written literature such as text books, journals, newspapers, reports and other sources on the internet relating to the topic of this research. The study was designed that both quantitative and qualitative data were collected by the use of the questionnaire and interview to generate respectively quantitative and qualitative data to respond to the study objectives. The target population was 404 from teaching staff, employers, NGOs involved in Higher learning, Government agencies in Higher education, Current GR beneficiaries, and Graduates from GR. The sample population was 92. Data analysis was done by the use of SPSS software for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data to analyze opinions, perceptions and views. Forty percent of the respondents confirmed the role of their organizations in pursuing further studies. The findings presented in where 65% agreed and 35% ascertained that working experience was also reached. All these translated success stories of the GR scholarship beneficiaries. Along with academic life, GR beneficiaries encountered some challenges as per Table 4.18, the scarcity of teaching staff was strongly highlighted 46.5% of the respondents. Lack of technology in education was another challenge as in in which 23.2% strongly emphasized. In spite of challenges, employers were satisfied with graduates employed in their respective institutions. Henceforth, motivation was one point of the areas of satisfaction as per where 79.3% replied that GR graduates were well motivated. The graduates presented positive image in team work as indicated strongly in by 51.7% respondents. Recommendations were therefore made to various stakeholders including the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Education, Higher Learning Institutions and Stakeholders in education sector to especially focus on how quality education programs can be sustainably established and managed.

Keywords: Education Support Programs, Social Competence, Impact assessment, Rwanda program

Author Biographies

Uhirwa Sylvia , Mount Kenya University

Master’s Student

Alice Kituyi Wafula (PhD), Mount Kenya University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Uhirwa , S. ., & Wafula, A. K. . (2022). Education Support Programs and University Student Social Competence: An Impact Assessment of Generation Rwanda Program From 2004-2012. Journal of Education, 5(5), 36–57.


