Relationship between Charismatic Leadership and implementation of Change Management strategies in Private Secondary Schools in Nairobi County


  • Erick Huma Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Elizabeth N. Nduku Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Shem Mwalw’a Catholic University of Eastern Africa



Charisma is characterized by vision and a sense of mission, instilling pride and gaining respect and trust in a group. The purpose of this study is to examine and explore the relationship between charismatic leadership and the implementation of change management strategies in private secondary schools in Nairobi County. This study attempts to explicate and test the key role of charismatic leadership in bringing and implementing change in organizations. A test of the hypotheses was done using bivariate correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The study targeted the principals, teachers and school administrators from 28 private secondary schools. The study used both probability and non-probability sampling procedures. The sample size of this study were five hundred and thirteen (n=513) respondents. The study collected data from teachers and school administrators using questionnaires, and from principals using interview guides. Questionnaires were distributed both physically and through emails. The research instruments were tested by two experts for content, trustworthiness and face validity, and another test was done for data reliability. Data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches following the research questions. For quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics was used for analysis; Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 26 was used to code data and conduct analysis. From the analysis, the study concluded that charismatic leadership has an effect on the implementation of change management strategies in the private secondary schools. The study recommended that top management need to encourage employees to share their opinion and be part of every creative process in the private secondary schools.

Key Words: Charismatic Leadership, Implementation of change management strategies, private secondary schools

Author Biographies

Erick Huma, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Doctorate Student

Dr. Elizabeth N. Nduku, Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Dr. Shem Mwalw’a, Catholic University of Eastern Africa



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How to Cite

Huma, E., Nduku, E., & Mwalw’a, S. (2023). Relationship between Charismatic Leadership and implementation of Change Management strategies in Private Secondary Schools in Nairobi County. Journal of Education, 6(1), 39–56.


