Students' Time Management Skills on KCSE Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools, Kiambu Sub-County, Kenya


  • Sr. Miriam Stella Obiekwe The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Sr. Dr. Piliyesi Elizabeth The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Celestine Ndanu The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


This study investigated on the students time management skills on academic performance in KCSE in public secondary schools in Kiambu sub-county, Kenya. Research questions used were; extent to which students are observing time management skills, how students attitude towards time management skills affects academic performance, challenges students face towards time management skills in achieving academic performance, suggestions on how to improve students time management skills for academic performance. Convergent mixed methods design was used in this study. The target population included 13 public secondary schools, 13 principals, 1,759 form 2 students, 52 class teachers. The study used questionnaires and interviews guide for data collection. For the purposes of validity of the instrument of this study the researcher used content validity and to conclude on the reliability of the instrument, the researcher used Cronbach alpha technique, which requires only a single test to determine the internal consistency of the instruments. The study was guided by Pickle Jar Theory. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages while qualitative data was categorized into respective themes and reported in narrative forms. The researcher maintained honesty and accuracy in data collection and analysis. The researcher also guaranteed privacy and confidentiality of information rendered by the participants. The study found that students do not effectively observe and implement time management skills towards their academic performance. The study also found that students encounter some challenges in observing time management skills, however, some suggestions were made for improvement. The study concluded that time management skills knowledge need to be enhanced to benefit all the students. The study recommended that time management skills improvement is a collaborative action between the students, teachers, principals, parents and the government. The role of principals and teachers on students observing time management skills shall be for future study.

 Keywords: Students' Time, Management Skills, Academic Performance, Public Secondary Schools, Kiambu,, Kenya.

Author Biographies

Sr. Miriam Stella Obiekwe, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Postgraduate Student, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Sr. Dr. Piliyesi Elizabeth, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Celestine Ndanu, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Obiekwe, S. M. S., Elizabeth, S. D. P., & Ndanu, C. (2019). Students’ Time Management Skills on KCSE Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools, Kiambu Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education, 2(3), 1–24. Retrieved from


