School Library Facilities and Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Nyamasheke District-Rwanda


  • Bimenyimana Jean Kibogora Polytechnic


This study examined the influence of school library facilities on student academic performance in secondary schools of excellence in Rwanda taking a case study of the Nyamasheke District. Specifically, this study found out the standard of school library facilities in secondary school of excellence; determined the influence of school library facilities to the academic performance of secondary schools of excellence; and to examine the level of student academic performance in secondary schools. A descriptive research design was used with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population was 3633 students’ respondents from 32 secondary schools in Nyamasheke District. A sample size of 284 respondents participated in the study. Systematic random sampling technique was adopted. Teaching staff were chosen with purposive sampling technique. A questionnaire survey, interview guide and observation were used to collect data. Reliability and validity of research instruments were ensured. A pilot study was done to validate and to ensure reliability of research instruments. Findings discovered lack of library facilities in many secondary schools. The researcher found out that the availability of library services and their utilization enhance the level of academic performance. It was revealed that in the district of the study, there is a lack of reading culture, and students were unmotivated for reading, and they did not afford enough time for enhancing their skills and performance in in Nyamasheke district. The academic performance of six schools kept declining from 2017 to 2018. National exams were stable in performance across schools. Tests and homework were being taken for granted. The relationships were all positive and significant therefore each of these elements significantly increases academic performance of the students when they are improved. The researcher suggested that there is a need to develop cultural practices of reading in order to enhance the utilization of library facilities, there is a need of cooperation between school principals and librarians to obtain adequate books and well-equipped libraries while parents are recommended to provide rooms which provide conducive reading environment within their families.

Keywords: Library facilities, academic performance, secondary schools, Nyamasheke District, Rwanda

Author Biography

Bimenyimana Jean, Kibogora Polytechnic

Kibogora Polytechnic, Department of education, Rwanda




How to Cite

Jean, B. (2021). School Library Facilities and Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Nyamasheke District-Rwanda. Journal of Education, 4(1). Retrieved from


