The Socio-cultural Factors that Influence Academic Performance of Public Primary Schools in Murang'a South Sub County, Kenya


  • Njoroge Robert Njuguna Kenyatta University


Literature has indicated that academic performance is affected both positively and negatively by socio-cultural factors. UNESCO (2015) reveals that student achievement is highly influenced by the community and/or parents attitude towards education. Performance in national examinations is embraced as an indicator of quality in education systems that are examination oriented. The purpose of the study is to establish the socio-cultural factors influencing academic performance of public primary schools in Murang'a South Sub County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design utilizing both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The study involved a sample of 21 deputy head teachers, 105 teachers and 210 pupils making a total of 336 participants. Data were collected using a pupils’ questionnaire, focus group discussions for the deputy head teachers and teachers, and an observation checklist. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 employing descriptive statistics that include frequencies and percentages while qualitative data were analyzed inductively (thematically). It was found that majority parents/guardians shown less concern over homework the homework of their pupils. This was de-motivating to both the teacher and pupil personnel. Initiation rite of passage (circumcision and clitoridectomy) bred psychological, moral and social unrest in schools. The impact of involvement in early teenage sex and dating was immense. The outlawed Mungiki sect was found to have a large network in Murang'a South Sub County and penetration into school promoting absenteeism, hence loss of instructional time; instilling fear to the pupils, teaching personnel and school community, thus emotional imbalance; drug and substances abuse; and violence destroying self-esteem and emotional well-being among pupils resulting to low academic achievement. A recommendation is made that for collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Gender, Children and Social Development; and Youth Affairs and Sports to educate all stakeholders in the societal beliefs, values and practices which hinder education outcomes.

Keyword: socio-cultural factors, academic performance, public primary schools, Murang'a South Sub County, Kenya

Author Biography

Njoroge Robert Njuguna, Kenyatta University

Department of Educational Management,

Policy and Curriculum Studies

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Njuguna, N. R. (2021). The Socio-cultural Factors that Influence Academic Performance of Public Primary Schools in Murang’a South Sub County, Kenya. Journal of Education, 4(6), 28–42. Retrieved from


