Impact of ICT Integration on Quality of Education among Secondary Schools in USA


  • Archibald Brophy Goldhaber New York University
  • Hanushek Khuan New York University
  • Rumberger Allysa New York University


Quality education enables people to develop all of their attributes and skills to achieve their potential as human beings and members of society. Quality education provides the foundation for equity in society. Quality education is one of the most basic public services. There is widespread belief that ICTs can and will empower teachers and learners, transforming teaching and learning processes from being highly teacher-dominated to student-centered, and that this transformation will result in increased learning gains for students, creating and allowing for opportunities for learners. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of ICT integration on quality of education among the secondary schools in USA. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The target population included principals, teachers and students in secondary schools based in Network. The research instruments adopted included questionnaires. The results of the study indicated that ICT Integration has positive and significant impact on quality of education among the secondary schools in USA. It was found that ICT in education improves engagement and knowledge retention. Students become more engaged in their work when ICT is integrated into lessons. The application of technology provides different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in different ways. Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) assist teachers to the global requirement to replace traditional teaching methods with a technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities. The study concluded that ICT integration in education is considered as a key element for improvement and development. The study recommended that schools need to adopt the use of ICT in the classroom. The government in USA need to make it a policy for every school in the country to integrate learning with ICT.

Author Biographies

Archibald Brophy Goldhaber, New York University

Student, New York University

Hanushek Khuan, New York University

Lecturer, New York University

Rumberger Allysa, New York University

Lecturer, New York University


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How to Cite

Goldhaber, A. B., Khuan, H., & Allysa, R. (2021). Impact of ICT Integration on Quality of Education among Secondary Schools in USA. Journal of Education, 4(6), 53–61. Retrieved from


