Influence of Motivation on Academic Performance of Students in Germany


  • Zulnaidi Norhasnida Wilkesmann University of Freiburg
  • Alfredo Steinmayr University of Freiburg
  • Khaizura Heike Fischer University of Freiburg



Motivation builds determination to achieve something. Motivated learners put in their maximum effort for achieving high academic performance in school. Thus, the study sought to examine the influence of motivation on the academic performance of students in Germany. The research adopted the cross-sectional research design. The target population was 374 teachers and students. The study did a sampling of 193 respondents that were selected from the target population of 374. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statisticsThe study results indicated that motivation is positively and significantly related to academic performance (B=.243, p=0.017). The results implied that when motivation improves by one unit, the academic performance among the students in Germany will increase by 0.243 units while other factors that influence the academic performance are held constant. The research concluded that sub-factors such as self-efficacy, active learning approaches and success goals have positive and considerable relationships with academic performance among the learners. The research suggested that the motivation of the students’ needs to be fostered by teachers. The motivation of the students can maintain students' attention and behavior as well as provide with more energy to needed to lead tasks to completion. The study also recommended teachers need to encourage students, make learning fun, have one-on-one conversations and get parents involved in the students' learning process. It was also recommended that performing students be rewarded. The study further recommended that teachers need to give students as much control over their own education as possible and let them choose the topics that interest them in some cases. 

Keywords: Motivation, Academic Performance, Students, Germany

Author Biographies

Zulnaidi Norhasnida Wilkesmann, University of Freiburg

Postgraduate student, University of Freiburg

Alfredo Steinmayr, University of Freiburg

Lecturer, University of Freiburg

Khaizura Heike Fischer, University of Freiburg

Lecturer, University of Freiburg


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How to Cite

Wilkesmann, Z. N., Steinmayr, A., & Fischer, K. H. (2021). Influence of Motivation on Academic Performance of Students in Germany. Journal of Education, 4(6), 1–9.


