Contribution of Project Management Knowledge Areas on the Performance of Affordable Housing Projects; a Case of Kigali City


  • Mukamana Marie Grace Mount Kenya University of Rwanda
  • Njenga Gitahi Mount Kenya University of Rwanda



The research aimed to scrutinize the contribution of project management knowledge areas on the performance of affordable housing projects in Rwanda, case of Kigali City. The specific objective of the study was to examine the contribution of project cost management, to find out the contribution of project risk management, and assess how project quality management contributes on the performance of affordable housing projects. Institutional theory, resource-based view and dynamic concept of formation of business knowledge were used in theoretical review. A sample of 93 respondents among 121 of total population was engaged. For data alysis, SPSS version 23 was used. The findings indicated that cost management, risk management and quality management can influence the performance of affordable housing projects. It was recommended that there should be housing for different categories of people and their status; if it is for single person, small family or large family. The City of Kigali should advocate for the benefit of beneficiaries to get access to finance from different financial institutions in order to facilitate them getting those affordable houses. The cost of housing should be considered but without forgetting their quality.

Keywords: Project management knowledge area, performance, affordable housing projects

Author Biographies

Mukamana Marie Grace , Mount Kenya University of Rwanda

Student of Project Management, School of Business and Economics

Njenga Gitahi, Mount Kenya University of Rwanda

Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Mukamana, . G. M. ., & Gitahi, N. . (2022). Contribution of Project Management Knowledge Areas on the Performance of Affordable Housing Projects; a Case of Kigali City. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(5), 32–43.


