Effect of Staff Competence on Project Implementation of Government Funded Projects in USA


  • Dest Pichlak Hutchinson Duke University
  • Aaronson Gavin Hogan Duke University
  • Turner Grzesik Newsom Duke University




Staff competence is fundamental in ensuring the performance of a particular project. Competency among staff is expected to induce high-performance project results and optimistic business outcomes. Competencies such as management skills lead to the enhancement of the likelihood of project success. Thus, the study examined the effect of staff competence on project implementation of government-funded projects in the USA. The study was literature based. The study discovered that staff competence has a significant impact on project implementation. Staff competence includes the combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhanced employee performance and ultimately result in organizational success. To understand competencies, it is important to define the various components of competencies. Employee competencies are a list of skills and behaviors that are specific and well-defined and are used to lay out an organization's performance. Identifying the level of competence of project supervisors is required to promote effective project implementation. The study concluded that staff competence influences the effective implementation of projects. The study recommended that much consideration be implemented to support staff competency. Organizations need to set aside resources that can be used for the capacity building of the employees. The organization's employees should be tested to examine their competency level. Creating a project group with the requisite competencies to conduct their functions is important. There is a need for regular staff training to improve the competency needed in the implementation of projects. The workers should have the required skills to perform the activities adequately and attain the objectives. Creating a project group with the requisite competencies to conduct project implementation functions is necessary.

Keywords: Staff competence, project implementation, USA

Author Biographies

Dest Pichlak Hutchinson, Duke University

Postgraduate Student, Duke University

Aaronson Gavin Hogan , Duke University

Lecturer, Duke University

Turner Grzesik Newsom, Duke University

Lecturer, Duke University


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How to Cite

Hutchinson, D. P. ., Hogan , A. G. ., & Newsom, T. G. . (2022). Effect of Staff Competence on Project Implementation of Government Funded Projects in USA. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(6), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t50118


