Influence of Community Participation in Projects Identification and Project Design on Completion of CDF Funded Projects in Matapato South Ward, Kajiado Central Constituency, Kenya


  • Tore Nankoris University of Nairobi
  • Prof. Mwangi Christopher Gakuo University of Nairobi


Community participation otherwise known as participatory development is critical especially in aligning Kenya's development to the Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Constituency Development Fund (CDF) as a development tool has been in existence for the last twelve years and has been a precursor to the current devolution process. The program has created an opportunity for Kenyans to participate in national development through identifying and undertaking projects in various sectors. The whole idea behind CDF formulation was to ensure equitable economic, social and political development across the country and at the same time give citizens the opportunity to identify and implement projects that addresses their felt needs. The challenge however, has been that communities do not seem to be playing their rightful role in CDF project identification and designing. The CDF projects have not also been successfully completed in time and in a cost-effective manner. The study sought to establish; the influence of community participation on completion of CDF’s infrastructure projects in primary schools in Kajiado Central Constituency, Matapato South Ward. The study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the influence of community participation in projects identification and to establish the influence of community participation in project design on completion of CDF projects in Matapato South Ward in Kajiado Central Constituency. The study used survey research design. Target population for the study was 19 head teachers, 19 Board of Management members, representing the number of public primary schools, five chiefs and two CDF officials. Since the target population was small census method used to sample the respondents. Data was collected with the use of questionnaires and interview guides. Data obtained was then subjected to SPSS for analysis to provide both descriptive and inferential analysis. The study found out that Community Project Identification is positively and significantly related to project Completion (r=0.245, p=0.000). The results indicated that Project Design and Implementation is positively and significantly related to project completion (r=0.364, p=0.000). The study concluded that community participation in projects identification and community participation in project design and implementation positively and significantly influences completion of CDF projects in Kenya. The study recommends that the community should have a say in what the projects sets out to do, the priority areas, and tasks scheduling. Involved in a process make people feel able to express themselves on what they require. The study also recommends that communities should have an interest in project implementation processes to ensure projects are completed according to plan, budget and timeline. Furthermore, community members should be willing to pass information about meetings set to improve attendance.

Author Biographies

Tore Nankoris, University of Nairobi

Post Graduate Student

Prof. Mwangi Christopher Gakuo, University of Nairobi

Lecturer Department of Extra Mural Studies


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How to Cite

Nankoris, T., & Gakuo, P. M. C. (2018). Influence of Community Participation in Projects Identification and Project Design on Completion of CDF Funded Projects in Matapato South Ward, Kajiado Central Constituency, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 2(2), 20–33. Retrieved from


