Contribution of Poultry Farming Products on Farmer’s Socio-Economic Well-Being in Rwanda: A Case of Cooperative of Murambi Poultry Farming “COMUPOFA”
The Rwanda's economy is largely based on agriculture, but many farmers remain distressed due to low productivity, small family land ownership, rapid population growth, and the use of local farming systems. Poultry production, as one part of livestock production, has a difficult toward miss benefit to add to the poultry sector and poultry are kept within rural areas for consumption and marketing. The objectives of the study were the following: to determine the contributions of poultry farming products, to examine the level of social wellbeing and its correlation. The methodology comprised of a descriptive research design, quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Target population was 103 farmers of COMUPOFA and all of them were our sample. Sampling techniques used was purposive and census sampling techniques. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview guide. The findings revealed that poultry farming products contributed to the social wellbeing after joining the cooperative COMUPOFA as respondents said that eggs, meat and manure contributed to improve food and nutrition security (62.1%) and increased earning and savings (46.6%), increased job opportunities (51.5%), increased harvested crops (41.7%), paying school fees (44.7%), health insurance (41.7%) and poultry products contribute to gain of land, buildings, and equipment (40.8%). The challenges encountered by the farmers were identified: Vaccine, non-Quality and Accessibility (48.5%), large poultry feed prices (57.3%), presence of adulterated poultry food flooding at the market (40.8%), high start-up capital (45.6%), the issues of inclusion of antibiotics (50.5%) and the problem of inadequate water supply (43.7%). In addition, there was correlation between production of eggs, meats and manure and socio-economic wellbeing of farmers characterized by payment of health services, payment of education services, contribution to food and nutrition security and increased income demonstrated by increased of earning and savings. Therefore, since the results of the study showed that there is a significant and positive correlation between poultry products (eggs, meat, and manure) and socio-economic wellbeing among farmers. It is very paramount to conclude that the production of poultry products is positively associated with the ability to pay for health and education services, contribute towards food and nutrition security, and increase earnings and savings. Therefore, the study suggests that investing in poultry farming may have positive socio-economic impacts on the livelihoods of farmers. It is in this regard, the cooperative staff, NGOs, and Government agents should continue mobilizing the young people to join or create the cooperative for better improving the level of well-being and continue influencing the community to invest in livestock farming to improve their well-being.
Keywords: Poultry Farming Products, Farmer’s Socio-Economic Well-Being, Cooperative of Murambi Poultry Farming, COMUPOFA, Rwanda
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