Procurement Practices and Public Projects Implementation in Rwanda: A Case of African Evangelist Enterprise


  • Justine Mukashema Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Njenga Gitahi Samson Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



This study examined the role of procurement practices on public projects implementation in Rwanda using a case of African Evangelist Enterprise. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of procurement planning, professionalism, and supplier selection on implementation of public projects in Rwanda. This study is pertinent because it improves knowledge of procurement, which will help procurement officers to create effective procurement practice, which can save time, cost, and achieving project objectives. This research used agency theory, legitimacy theory and linear policy model owing to the product their pertinence in assessing the role of product procurement practices on public project implementation. In conducting this study, a descriptive study design and correlation regression size effect was used with a mixed research approach. A sample size of 154 was selected among 250 target population. The researcher chose respondents though simple random technique and key informants were selected purposively. Information was obtained using questionnaire survey and interviews. The study ensured reliability and validity by conducting a pretest. The researcher analyzed data through the use of descriptive statistics in term of frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Moreover, inferential statistics was used to provide regression size effect between research variables in accordance with each specific objectives. Results from the first objective show  that AEE has implemented public project successfully owing to effective procurement planning (34.0%),personnel in charge of procurement knows how to design procurement process are done, (40.1%), procurement plans enough explanation on procurement requirements (40.1%), the expected budget of the requirement (61.8%). Results to the second objective felt that AEE has procurement training (40.1%), inadequate training in procurement practices stimulates poor low performance (55.9%), documents of procurement policies that guide training (59.8%). Results to the third objective felt the AEE comply with adequate rules and regulation in choosing suppliers (30.2%), the supplier choice procedure respect all requirements establish (56.6%), the competency of suppliers is suitably assessed in making decision on persons to be selected for supplying products (74.3%). From the results, the study recommends that public institution should encourage firms to select the suitable abilities suppliers who are capable to provide goods in a high quality. Project managers should make sufficient funds for knowing procurement capacity building. Similar studies should be done in other public sector procurement entities or faith based organization in Rwanda. Further studies should investigate in details influence of supplier selection have to the compliance or organizational success in the public sector organizations.

Keywords: Procurement Practice, Procurement Planning, Procurement Professionalism, Procurement Supplier Selection, Public Project Implementation.

Author Biographies

Justine Mukashema , Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Njenga Gitahi Samson, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mukashema, J., & Njenga, G. S. (2023). Procurement Practices and Public Projects Implementation in Rwanda: A Case of African Evangelist Enterprise. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(5), 45–60.


