Entrepreneurial Mindset and Venture Success: A Study of Startups in Vancouver, Canada


  • Jagmeet Trudeau Jemal McMaster University
  • Kevin Singh Fisher McMaster University
  • Justin Vuong Findley McMaster University




The entrepreneurial mindset plays a crucial role in the success of ventures across Canada. Startups led by entrepreneurs with a strong entrepreneurial mindset are more likely to achieve sustainable growth, secure funding, and attract talented employees. Traits such as risk-taking, resilience, innovation, adaptability, and a growth-oriented mindset are key drivers of venture success. The presence of a supportive ecosystem that provides access to capital, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities further enhances the likelihood of entrepreneurial success in Canada. Fostering the entrepreneurial mindset and creating an environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning are essential for promoting venture success across the country. The study revealed a strong positive correlation between the entrepreneurial mindset and venture success among startups in Vancouver. Startups whose founders exhibited a higher level of entrepreneurial mindset are more likely to achieve sustainable growth, secure funding, and attract talented employees. Entrepreneurs with strong entrepreneurial mindsets actively sought partnerships, mentorship, and access to industry networks, enhancing their startups' visibility, growth opportunities, and potential for success. The study concluded that entrepreneurs who embrace calculated risks and introduce innovative products or services gain a competitive advantage and adapt to dynamic market conditions. Entrepreneurs who possess a resilient mindset, learn from failures, and persevere in the face of adversity have a higher likelihood of achieving venture success. The study recommended that in order to cultivate and nurture the entrepreneurial mindset among aspiring entrepreneurs, educational institutions should incorporate entrepreneurship education and training programs. Creation of incubators and accelerators that provide workspace, networking opportunities, and tailored support services will foster a collaborative environment for startups to thrive and overcome challenges.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Venture Success, Startups, Canada

Author Biographies

Jagmeet Trudeau Jemal, McMaster University

McMaster University

Kevin Singh Fisher , McMaster University

McMaster University

Justin Vuong Findley, McMaster University

McMaster University


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How to Cite

Jemal, J. T., Fisher , K. S., & Findley, J. V. (2023). Entrepreneurial Mindset and Venture Success: A Study of Startups in Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(9), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5220


