Monitoring Techniques and Performance of Construction Projects in Rwanda. A case of Rehabilitation of Amahoro National Stadium in Gasabo District


  • Niyondora, Umutesi Vivens Mount Kigali University, Rwanda
  • Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu Mount Kigali University, Rwanda



This research aimed to evaluate the relationship between monitoring techniques and construction project performance in Rwanda, specifically in the rehabilitation of Amahoro National stadium. The study used a survey method with a well-structured questionnaire, with a sample size of 127 participants. Data was collected using descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistics, and Pearson correlation (r) and multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that 66.2% of participants agreed that requirements were well-planned in the rehabilitation of Amahoro National stadium, 89.8% agreed that requirements were communicated correctly, 63.7% agreed that process variation in the rehabilitation was consistent, and 68.5% agreed that project schedule status was continuously reviewed in meetings. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the Requirement Traceability Matrix, control chart, and status review meeting all had positive and statistically significant relationships with project performance. The multiple regression model was significant, indicating that 57.2% of construction project performance can be attributed to the effectiveness of monitoring techniques used in the project. The researcher concluded that monitoring techniques have a positive effect on the performance of construction projects in Rwanda. To ensure inclusivity in the review process, the researcher recommends using status review meetings as an approach to communicate top-down project needs and reviewing from bottom-up. Customizing control charts to fit the specific project being monitored is highly recommended. For the rehabilitation of Amahoro stadium and other construction projects, owners should be keen to monitor progress to ensure effectiveness in performance.

Keywords: Monitoring Techniques, Performance, Construction, Projects, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Niyondora, Umutesi Vivens, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics

Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu, Mount Kigali University, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Niyondora, U. V., & Irechukwu, E. N. (2023). Monitoring Techniques and Performance of Construction Projects in Rwanda. A case of Rehabilitation of Amahoro National Stadium in Gasabo District. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(13), 121–136.


