Effect of Quality Control on Implementation of Construction Projects in Rwanda: A Case Study of Horizon Construction Ltd, Gikondo to Rebero Road (2019-2022)
Since the 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development, project sustainability is increasingly becoming a critical element in project management. The increasing need for new project interventions means that donors are not prepared to keep investing scarce resources in the same projects for a long time, which calls for prioritization of sustainability throughout the project processes. This research project is based on a research project carried out in the horizon construction, focusing on effect of quality control in implementation of construction projects in Rwanda: the research has the following objectives: to find out factors consider in Plan qualities of project in horizon construction, to view the Perform quality assurance in monitoring and controlling of project, to view the Perform quality control help in executing of project. The researcher described the definition of key term and also usage of Project quality management, Competitive market and research used a sample size of 106 respondents from in horizon construction finance department and top management. The research was use questionnaires to collect data Then research conclude by saying that help in evaluating of the performance of business as well as certifying areas of improvement in horizon construction. Project quality management is performed to know the company Competitive market, investment profitability projections, and understanding the corporate financial position in terms of asset and liability comparisons from the balance sheet. Table presents the respondents opinion on reason of The visibility of the premise are checked to assure the availability of the premises, Rwanda with the mean of 4.42 percentage 93.4% Research findings also shows The major reason of quality control strategy in horizon construction are Perform Quality Assurance with mean of 4.43 at the average of 91.5%. Competitive market as dependent variable for this study is made during investment analysis to accept or reject a project by looking at reporting of the project management on profit and loss as well as calculate net present values of a project.
Keywords: Quality Control, Implementation of Construction
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