Stakeholder Engagement and Successful Implementation of Social Economic Development Project: A Case of Jyambere Project


  • Carine Ishimwe University of Kigali, Rwanda
  • Dr. Michael Sanja (PhD) University of Kigali, Rwanda



The paper examined the stakeholder engagement in the successful implementation of social and economic development projects, with a particular focus on the Jyambere project in Rwanda's Gatsibo district. The research design for this study is a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of stakeholder engagement and its influence on project outcomes. The quantitative data provided statistical analysis of stakeholder perceptions and project success indicators, while the qualitative data in-depth insights into stakeholders and experiences and perspectives. The sample size of this study was 180 respondents. They were composed of project staff, non-government patterns, government officials and projects beneficiaries. The data analysis involves descriptive and inferential statistical methods for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data. The findings of the research indicated that approximately 93.0% of the variance in Project Success is explained by the combined influence of Communication, Interest, and Participation. This is a substantial proportion of the variance, indicating that these independent variables collectively have a significant impact on Project Success. The correlation coefficient of 0.827 suggests that approximately 82.7% of the variance in project success is associated with stakeholder participation. In conclusion, active stakeholder engagement, tailored to project context, is crucial for achieving goals. Understanding stakeholder motivations and conducting assessments aids effective engagement. This research exemplified by the Jyambere Project highlights communication's pivotal role. Tailored approaches and clear channels are key for project success, emphasizing the need for comprehensive communication strategies to ensure accurate and timely information dissemination.

Keyterms: Stakeholder Engagement, Successful Implementation, Social Economic Development Project, Jyambere Project, Rwanda.

Author Biographies

Carine Ishimwe, University of Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Business Administration (Project Management), University of Kigali, Rwanda

Dr. Michael Sanja (PhD), University of Kigali, Rwanda

University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Ishimwe, C., & Sanja, M. (2024). Stakeholder Engagement and Successful Implementation of Social Economic Development Project: A Case of Jyambere Project . Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 8(4), 27–49.


