The Influence of Resource Allocation on Strategic Project Implementation in Rwanda Irrigation System: A Case Study of Kagitumba Irrigation Project


  • Mubangizi David University of Kigali, Rwanda



The purpose of the study was to establish the significant Influence of resource allocation on Strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda. This was achieved by looking at the following specific objectives: To evaluate the influence  of resource allocation on strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda, to establish the influence of strategic financial resources on the strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda, to investigate the influence of strategic infrastructural development on strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda, to establish the influence of strategic technological resources on strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda and to investigate the influence of government regulation on strategic project implementation of Irrigation in Rwanda. The study adopted both descriptive and correlational designs. The researcher used stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of 150 employees from the population of the employees of Kagitumba Irrigation Scheme. The strata were that of senior management, middle management, supervisory and administration/ support staffs. Within each of the four strata simple random sampling was done to identify individual respondents who were issued with a questionnaire to respond to research statements. Primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered by the help of research assistants in each and every department. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS software. Factor analysis was done to establish the appropriateness of the questionnaire constructs. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The study recommends that the irrigation board members should ensure that they have the right resources in the organization and allocated well for the right purpose and at the right time.  This will help them to engage closely and creatively with activities that will improve the Strategic project implementation of the organization. The study also recommends that the irrigation board executive should demonstrate commitment toward empowering company employees, and to develop staff and famers to fill future vacancies.

Author Biography

Mubangizi David , University of Kigali, Rwanda

Master of Science in Project Management, University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mubangizi , D. (2024). The Influence of Resource Allocation on Strategic Project Implementation in Rwanda Irrigation System: A Case Study of Kagitumba Irrigation Project. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 8(4), 64–74.


