Determinants of Project Implementation Performance in Building Construction Projects in Selected Parastatals in Kenya


  • Ndambuki Moses Raymond University of Nairobi
  • Prof. Dorothy Ndunge Kyalo  University of Nairobi
  • Jonbosco. M. Kisimbii. University of Nairobi


The study seek to assess how Environmental factors Influence  Project  implementation performance   in  building  construction  Projects  in Kenya, to determine how leadership factors Influence Project implementation performance in building construction Projects in Kenya, to establish how cash flow factors Influence project implementation performance in building construction projects in Kenya, and to examine how Change of project scope Influence project implementation performance in building construction projects in Kenya . The target population was 220 respondents which necessitated a sample size of 15% randomly giving a sample size of 33 respondents .The sample size was drawn from parastatals, Consulting firms and contractors within Mombasa county. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and descriptive statistics used in data analysis with the help of statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS).Data presentation was in descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Testing of hypothesis was done using chi-square tests. The study findings established that Change of scope factors (X4), Cash flows factors(X3), Leadership factors (X2) and Environmental factors (X1) all with a level of significance of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 had a statistically significant relationship with project implementation performance(Y). The beta coefficients of constructs that constitute the four independent variables that predict the dependent variable: performance implementation was derived through the regression model equation as follows.

Y= 0.477 + 0.281 (X1) + 0.119(X2) + 0.320(X3) + 0.188(X4).

The equation shows that all factors have a positive influence on the implementation performance of building and construction projects. The regression equation shows a unit increase in environmental factors, leadership factors, cash flow factors and change of scope factors would lead to a positive increase of 0.298, 0.119, 0.320 and 0.188 respectively in implementation performance of building and construction projects in Kenya. The regression equation above established that holding all other factors constant (no determinants or factors) implementation performance of building and construction projects in Kenya would be 0.477.All the null hypothesis H0 were rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted

Keywords: Project Implementation, Construction Projects, Implementation Performance, Leadership

Author Biographies

Ndambuki Moses Raymond, University of Nairobi

Post Graduate Student, University of Nairobi

Prof. Dorothy Ndunge Kyalo,  University of Nairobi

Associate Proffesor,  School of Open and Distance learning, University of Nairobi

Jonbosco. M. Kisimbii., University of Nairobi

Lecturer,  School of Open and Distance learning, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Raymond, N. M., Kyalo, P. D. N., & Kisimbii., J. M. (2019). Determinants of Project Implementation Performance in Building Construction Projects in Selected Parastatals in Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 3(5), 39–56. Retrieved from


