An Assessment on Factors Influencing Completion of National Constituency Development Fund, Projects: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County- Kenya


  • Hemmed Aziza Said University of Nairobi
  • Professor Christopher Gakuu University of Nairobi


The aim of this research project was to determine factors influencing completion of Constituency Development Fund, projects, a case of public secondary schools in Mvita constituency Mombasa County. The research was guided by four objectives; to assess local community participation, timely availability of funds, political affiliation, and how monitoring and evaluation influence completion of National Constituency Development fund, sponsored projects. To attain its goal, the study adapted descriptive survey with target population of 180 members of which 36 respondents participated. Data was collected through use of questionnaires and use of interviews. Data analysis was done using averages, frequencies and SPSS. The Findings indicated, a unit increase in community participation will lead to improvement on completion of the project by 0.06 whereas a unit increase in timely funding would result to improved completion of projects by 0.300 this being second highest contributing factor to the rate of completion of the projects. The political influence had the highest impact on completion of the projects with 0.386 when a unit of it increased. Lastly, unit increase in monitoring and evaluation would lead to improved completion of national constituency funded projects by 0.231. The regression equation further established that in the absence of the four factors there would be completion of the project by 0.114 this is as a result of factors not considered in this model. Conclusions were; Political affiliation greatly influences completion of constituency development fund funded school project, community involvement also plays role in the completion of sponsored projects. Monitoring and evaluation was found to be a determinant on successful completion of constituency development fund sponsored projects. Study findings also concluded, there is a strong relationship between timely availability of funds and project completion. The research recommended; Timely Availability of funds, proper monitoring and evaluation systems ought to be in place for transparency. Lastly, Community involvement through public participation, community empowerment should be enhanced so as to ensure successful completion of the funded project.

Key Words: Local Community Participation, Timely availability of Funds, political Affiliation, monitoring and evaluation and completion of NG-CDF sponsored project

Author Biographies

Hemmed Aziza Said, University of Nairobi

Post Graduate Student, University of Nairobi

Professor Christopher Gakuu, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, School of Open and Distance Learning, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Said, H. A., & Gakuu, P. C. (2020). An Assessment on Factors Influencing Completion of National Constituency Development Fund, Projects: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County- Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 4(1), 1–16. Retrieved from


