Project Financing and Implementation of Mobile Banking Projects in Selected Commercial Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Damaris Wambui Mugo Kenyatta University
  • Lucy Ngugi Kenyatta University


The implementation of mobile banking projects in Kenya has been experiencing challenges, with customers expressing concerns over system failure. There is a clear indication that implementation of mobile banking projects is not seamless and therefore the need to look into the problem. This study evaluated the effect of project financing on the implementation of mobile banking projects in selected commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The target population was mobile banking projects from six tire one commercial banks in Nairobi County. The correlation results indicated that project financing had a positive and significant association with mobile banking project implementation. The study concluded that project financing contributes significantly to successful implementation of mobile banking projects. The study recommended the need for banks’ management to ensure that there was adequate budgetary allocation to support projects.

Keywords:  Project financing, Project implementation, Mobile banking project, Commercial banks

Author Biographies

Damaris Wambui Mugo, Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University

Lucy Ngugi, Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Mugo, D. W., & Ngugi, L. (2021). Project Financing and Implementation of Mobile Banking Projects in Selected Commercial Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 5(2), 1–9. Retrieved from


