Project Fund Management and Performance of Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project of Minicom, Rwanda
Project Fund Management and Performance of Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project.Abstract
Project performance is shown by its achievement in realizing project quality, cost, and time. Generally, many projects in world, in regional and in Rwanda are failing to achieve their goals as an outcome from various aspects includes poor fund management. As a result, the purpose of this study was to look into the effects of fund management on project performance in a public institution (Rwanda) using a case study of the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project, which was run by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM). The study's objectives were to examine the impact of budget on project performance in the public sector, assess the influence of fund allocation on project performance in the public sector, and assess the impact of fund control on project performance in the public sector in Rwanda. The study employed a population of 119 as staff working in the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project under a single project implementation unit under MINICOM, and used a descriptive and correlation research method. Interview guide and questionnaires were used to collect the data. Data processing was done with SPSS 23th Version. The data was processed and displayed in tables. Throughout, the findings, it was established that there is a favorable association between financial budgeting and project performance, a positive correlation between budget allocation and project performance, as well as a correlation between fund control and project performance. The regression analysis revealed a positive relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This means that the change from project management to budgeting, fund allocation, and fund control will necessitate a greater focus on budgeting, money allocation, and money control. According to the conclusions of the study, funds should be adequately budgeted, allocated, and controlled for project performance. In general, the findings concluded that the ways money of the project managed has determined project success. When project finances are successfully managed, the project meets its objectives; nevertheless, when project funds are badly handled, the project's objectives and goals are not met. From the conclusion drawn, it was recommended that during the phase of project planning; partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries should be involved for effective fund budgeting and allocation. The study also recommends that people involved in project monitoring and control must carry out this activity in effective way because the study found that project performance depends on project fund control. People involved in project monitoring and control should oversee how the project funds are being used.
Keywords: Project Fund Management and Performance of Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project.
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