Influence of stakeholder’s involvement in project monitoring and evaluation on sustainability of community projects in Kenya: Case Study of Kenya Red Cross Integrated Community Projects in Tana River County


  • Patience Kadurira Management University of Africa
  • Juster Nyagah Management University of Africa


A successful project is one that is delivered within the budget, stipulated time according to the schedule, desirable quality, client satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and facility user satisfaction. However, most of projects in Kenya continue to face serious sustainability issue and especially NGOs and Governments funded projects with majority failing few years after completion. The study purposed to examine the influence of stakeholders’ involvement on the sustainability of integrated community projects in Kenya: case of Kenya Red Cross integrated community projects in Tana River County. The Specific objective was to establish the influence of stakeholder’s involvement in project monitoring and evaluation on sustainability of community projects. The Kenya Red Cross Integrated Community Project in Tana River County is one such project. The study adopted a descriptive research design where approximately 1419 participants were involved. The simple random sampling techniques were used to pick the respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire via electronic means. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out that monitoring and evaluation influenced sustainability of community project and that monitoring, and evaluation were statistically significant. The study concluded that monitoring and evaluation influenced sustainability of community project though the variable depicted statistically significant and negative relationship. The study recommended project stakeholders to adopt a wide variety of resource mobilization tools and establishment of key structures and developing framework to help facilitate the coordination of community-wide efforts.

Keywords: Stakeholders’ involvement, Monitoring and evaluation, Sustainability

Author Biographies

Patience Kadurira, Management University of Africa

Post Graduate Student, Management University of Africa. Phone+254791759698

Juster Nyagah, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, School of Development Studies, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Kadurira, P., & Nyagah, J. (2021). Influence of stakeholder’s involvement in project monitoring and evaluation on sustainability of community projects in Kenya: Case Study of Kenya Red Cross Integrated Community Projects in Tana River County. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 5(3), 15–25. Retrieved from


