Making of a Credible, Authentic Leader


  • Joyce Kamau
  • Dr. David Oginde



Studies have suggested various ways of developing leadership credibility and becoming a more authentic leader. To further explore and get an in-depth understanding of credible, authentic leadership, this paper carries out a qualitative study on the making of a credible, authentic leader. Three leaders of different age groups and sectors who have portrayed themselves as credible and authentic, by the values and outcomes they exemplify were interviewed on the following; what they understood by credible, authentic leadership, how to develop credibility and authenticity and some daily habits that enable them develop the same. The three leaders were picked from different sectors. Open ended questions were administered and the results revealed learning, planning, identifying and keeping values as some of the common characteristics that enable them to grow in credibility and authenticity.

Keywords: Credible Leadership, Authenticity, values, Growth


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How to Cite

Kamau, J. . ., & Oginde, . D. . (2022). Making of a Credible, Authentic Leader. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 6(3), 47–61.


