Work Life Balance and Employee Commitment in Indigenous Oil Servicing Companies in Rivers State
This study examined the relationship between work life balance and employee commitment in indigenous oil servicing companies in Rivers State. The study adopted a cross-sectional research survey design. Primary source was generated through self- administered questionnaire. The population of the study is 270 employees of twenty-four (24) selected indigenous oil servicing companies in Rivers State. The sample size of 161 was determined using the Taro Yamane’s formula for sample size determination. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70 selected. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The results of the analysed data revealed that there is a significant relationship between work environment and employee commitment in indigenous oil servicing companies in Rivers State. The study thus concludes that work life balance significantly influences employee commitment in indigenous oil servicing companies in Rivers State. Therefore, the study recommends that indigenous oil servicing companies should adopt policies that encourage work life balance practices such as flexible work arrangements, family responsibilities support, and wellness programs. The considerations of childcare, dependent care and allowing employees more time with their families which are issues that characterize employee’s role at home should be encouraged.
Keywords: Work Life Balance, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment and Continuance Commitment
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