Staffing Capacity and the Delivery of Healthcare Services at Lodwar County Referral Hospital


  • Margaret Lokota Turkana University College
  • Dr. Miriti Gervasio Turkana University College
  • Dr. Jared Okello Turkana University College



Staffing capacity is becoming an increasingly critical dimension of healthcare performance in the global landscape. Healthcare settings’ staffing levels, skill mix, and workforce availability plays a crucial role in shaping the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery within hospital settings. Despite the government’s efforts to provide qualified human resources to hospitals, remote facilities such as Lodwar County Referral Hospital continue to express concerns over the quality of services delivered in terms of timeliness, safety, and effectiveness. This study investigated if human resource capacity is an impediment to service delivery in the hospital by determining the influence of human resource capacity on the delivery of healthcare service delivery at Lodwar County Referral Hospital. The theory that underpins the study was Human capital theory. The study adopted a correlational case study design that targeted a population of 297 from which a sample size of 169 was selected using Krejcie and Morgan formula. A stratified random sample of 169 was engaged in responding to questionnaires and focused group discussions, which enabled the researcher to collect qualitative and qualitative data. Findings from the study revealed that staffing capacity is positively and statistically insignificant in explaining provision of healthcare service (β= 0.023, p >0.05). The study recommended that Lodwar County Referral Hospital trains health care personnel continuously as a way of enhancing their capacity, hence, the quality of services they deliver.

Keywords: Staffing capacity, Lodwar County Referral Hospital, healthcare service delivery.

Author Biographies

Margaret Lokota, Turkana University College

Master’s Student, Turkana University College

Dr. Miriti Gervasio, Turkana University College

Lecturer, School of Education and Social Sciences

Dr. Jared Okello, Turkana University College

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Lokota, M., Miriti , G., & Okello, J. (2023). Staffing Capacity and the Delivery of Healthcare Services at Lodwar County Referral Hospital. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(5), 74–87.


