Effect of Gender and Professional Diversity on the Performance of Quality Control Organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Abdiwahid A. Rumana Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Cecilia Mutuku Management University of Africa


Professional, Gender diversity, Performance and Quality control organizations


In the recent years diversity management and workforce inclusion have been substantial and as such have forced companies to embrace these concepts in their companies with the aim of increasing productivity and profit. Workforce diversity has been found to affect employee performance at varying degrees. The study established the effect of gender and professional diversity on the performance of quality control organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population of the study was 107 quality control organizations which were located in Nairobi County, from which a sample size of 128 respondents was derived. These included the assistant human resource manager, departmental supervisors and staff. Questionnaires were used to collect the data that was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The Pearson product movement correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the strength of the relationship between gender, professional diversity and performance of quality control organizations. A multiple regression model was used to test the significance of the effects of the gender and professional diversity on the performance. The study found that gender diversity was positively and significant related with performance. Similarly, professional diversity was positively and significantly related with performance. Based on the findings, the study concluded that gender diversity and professional diversity influenced the performance of quality control organizations in Kenya. The study recommended that the implications management should be mindful of in order to build a healthy working environment within the circles of workplace diversity. More so, the research recommended that managers should have a more positive and proper perception regarding the implementation of workplace diversity.

Keywords: Professional, Gender diversity, Performance and Quality control organizations

Author Biographies

Abdiwahid A. Rumana, Management University of Africa

Postgraduate Student

Dr. Cecilia Mutuku, Management University of Africa



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How to Cite

Rumana, A. A., & Mutuku, D. C. (2017). Effect of Gender and Professional Diversity on the Performance of Quality Control Organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 1(2), 29–41. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/62


